AE Puppet tool Inverse Kinematics

What type of scripts do you need?

Moderator: byronnash

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Posts: 1
Joined: June 10th, 2007, 10:48 pm


I was looking for a script to create a arm of a character in Puppet Tool work Inverse Kinematics Style. Might be by moving a Null Object or just the Pin and the Middle Pin then moves like a wire that gets less stretched and goes hanging. Which is actually what happens when there would be no pin in the middle. Actually, now I want to choose (by putting a point in the middle) which way (up/down or right/left) this middle section will bend to. Instead of it being a calculation from the left pin and the right pin.

Hmm.. hope somebody understands.
Posts: 139
Joined: July 20th, 2005, 12:07 am

Why not simply maintain the relative positions using an elementary difference expression? Not sure what you're hoping to achieve, though. As soon as you add more than 2 pins, the mesh will stop to be rigid, regardless whether you retain the relative placement. It's inherent in how it's supposed to work.

[Pour Mylène, ange sur terre]
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