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Render Settings Script

Posted: January 30th, 2006, 11:07 am
by Colin Braley
After recently rendering something, only to realize I left a few layers on draft quality, I decided to create a script that could turn on certain settings througout a slected comp, and it's nested comps. This script uses a UI and allows users to specify if they want Best quality for all layers, to set the comp's shutter angle, to turn on motion blur for all layers and the comp, to turn on pixel motion frame blending, and to desolo and activate all layers. THese settings can then be applied to a comp. An option can also be selected to have this affect this cimp's nested comps. Here is the script:

Code: Select all

{//Scope limiting brace
##  This is the render settings script by Colin Braley
##  This After Effects script is used to turn on some settings that are useful to setup before rendering
##  These incluse beging able to set the motion blur, shutterAngle, quality settings, resolution, and visibility settings
##  of layers and comps.  You can also affect nested comps with this script.
##  To run this script have a comp selected in your project window and then run it.
##  I have tested this script pretty thouroughly, but if anything get's messed up you can't blame me.
##  Posted to on January 30, 2006
##  For more info, click on the help button on the script palette
##  Enjoy.
app.beginUndoGroup("Render Settings");//Undo group
var proj = app.project;
var activeItem = proj.activeItem;
var safeToRunScript = activeItem != null && proj != null && activeItem instanceof CompItem;
var currComp = activeItem;  
if(! safeToRunScript )
   alert("Please have a project open, and a comp selected in the project window.");
    }//End else

//Below here is all function definitions.###################################

###Takes a compItem as a parameter
###This function is called when the execute button is pressed.
###This preforms the actions specified in the UUI
###This returns nothing.

function processComp(myComp)
   var currLayers = myComp.layers;
   var amt = currLayers.length;
   var doBestQuality = w.settings.quality.value;
   var doShutterAngle = w.settings.shutterAngle.value;
   var shutterAngle = w.settings.shutterSlider.value;
   var doMotionBlur = w.settings.motionBlur.value;
   var doFrameBlending = w.settings.frameBlending.value;
   var doFullResolution = w.settings.resolution.value;
   var doActivateLayers = w.settings.activateLayers.value;
   var doAffectNestedComps = w.controls.nestedComps.value;
   for(var i = 1; i <= amt; i++)
      var layer = currLayers[i];
         setCompShutterAngle(myComp, shutterAngle);
         setLayerMotionBlur( layer);
         setCompMotionBlur( myComp );
         setLayerFrameBlending( layer );
         setCompFrameBlending( myComp );
         setCompResolution( myComp );
      if( doActivateLayers)
         activateLayer( layer );
      if(doAffectNestedComps)//Determines if we will process comps recursively
      if (layer.source instanceof CompItem)//Recursive case
      }//End for loop
}//End function

###Takes no parameters
###This function builds the GUI window.
###That is all it does.
###returns nothing.

function buildGUI()
w = new Window("palette", "Render Settings Script - By Colin Braley", [100, 100, 480, 490]);;

//now add panels
w.settings = w.add("panel", [15,15,365,180], "Settings");
w.controls = w.add("panel", [15, 200, 365, 375], "Controls");

//now add execution button
w.controls.execute = w.controls.add("button",[15,15,155,35], "Execute");
w.controls.execute.onClick = function(){ closeAndExecute();};

//Now add help button = w.controls.add("button",[175, 15, 315, 35], "Help"); = function() { displayHelp();};

//Now add best quality switch
w.settings.qualityText = w.settings.add("statictext", [15,15, 130, 30], " BEST quality for layers");
w.settings.quality = w.settings.add("checkbox", [135,15,150,30]);

//Now a shutter angle switch
w.settings.shutterAngleText = w.settings.add("statictext",[15,40, 130, 55], "Alter shutter angle");
w.settings.shutterAngle = w.settings.add("checkbox", [135, 40, 150, 55]); 
w.settings.shutterSlider = w.settings.add("slider",[165, 40, 255, 55], 360, 0, 720);
w.settings.shutterSlider.onChange = function(){w.settings.shutterTextValue.text = w.settings.shutterSlider.value;};
w.settings.shutterTextValue = w.settings.add("edittext",[270, 40, 295, 55], w.settings.shutterSlider.value + "");

//Now add a motion blur switch
w.settings.motionBlurText = w.settings.add("statictext",[15,40 + 25, 130, 55 + 25], "Motion blur for layers");
w.settings.motionBlur = w.settings.add("checkbox", [135, 40 + 25, 150, 55 + 25]); 

//Now add a resolution switch
w.settings.resolutionText = w.settings.add("statictext",[15,40 + 25 + 25, 130, 55 + 25 + 25], "Set resolution to full");
w.settings.resolution = w.settings.add("checkbox", [135, 40 + 25 + 25, 150, 55 + 25 + 25]); 

//Now add a frame blending switch
w.settings.frameBlendingText = w.settings.add("statictext",[15,40 + 25 + 25 + 25, 130, 55 + 25 + 25 + 25], "Enable frame mix ");
w.settings.frameBlending = w.settings.add("checkbox", [135, 40 + 25 + 25 + 25, 150, 55 + 25 + 25 + 25]);

//Now add an active all layers switch
w.settings.activeLayersText = w.settings.add("statictext",[15,40 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25, 130, 55 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25], "Activate all layers");
w.settings.activateLayers = w.settings.add("checkbox", [135, 40 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25, 150, 55 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25]);

//Add a nested comps
w.controls.nestedCompsText = w.controls.add("statictext",[15,50,110,75], "Affect nested comps");
w.controls.nestedComps = w.controls.add("checkbox",[120, 50, 145, 70]);
//left top right bottom is how bounds works;//done now lets show the UI

}//End function

###Takes no parameters
###This function is called when the help button is pressed
###This displays an alert() box with a help message
###returns nothing.
function displayHelp()
    alert("Help for RenderSettings Script:    \n"+
    "To use this script just click in the checkboxes\n"+
    "on the UI Panel.  When You click execute the \n"+
    "script will examine whatever comp you have  \n"+
    "currently selected in the project window and   \n"+
    "apply these settings to any layer in it.  This can \n"+
    "also affect nested comps.  To run the script you must \n"+
    "have a comp selected in the project window.          ");
###Takes no parameters
###This function is called when the execute button is pressed
###This closes the window and preforms the requested actions
###returns nothing.
function closeAndExecute()
   processComp( currComp );
//setLayerQuality() sets a layers quality to best
//it returns nothing and it's parameter is a layer
function setLayerQuality( l )
   l.quality = LayerQuality.BEST;
//setCompResolution() takes a comp as a parameter
//and sets its resolution to best
//it returns nothing

function setCompResolution( c )
   c.resolutionFactor = [1,1];
//setCompMotionBlur() takes a comp as a parameter
//and sets its motion blur to on
//it returns nothing

function setCompMotionBlur( c )
   c.motionBlur = true;

//setLayerMotionBlur() takes a layer as a parameter
//It turns on its motion blur switch
//It returns nothing
function setLayerMotionBlur( l )
   l.motionBlur = true;
//setCompFrameBlending() takes a comp as a parameter
//and sets its frame blending to on
//it returns nothing
function setCompFrameBlending( c )
   c.frameBlending = true;

//setLayerFrameBlending() takes a layer as a parameter
//This function turns on the layer's frame blending to "frame mix"
//I don't think there is a way to change this to pixel motion
//returns nothing

function setLayerFrameBlending( l )
   l.frameBlending = true;//Frame mix only

//setCompShutterAngle() takes a comp and a number as a parameter
//it sets the comp's shutter angle to the number
//if the number has a decimal it is rounded
//if the number is less than 0 || greater than 720 an alert() box is used
//and the number is put within range
//returns nothing
function setCompShutterAngle( c, num )
   error = false;
   if(num < 0)
      num = 0;
      error = true;
   }else if(num > 720)
      num = 720;
      error = true;
      alert("Please, set the shutter angle between 0 and 720");
      c.shutterAngle = Math.round( num ) ;
}//End function

//activateLayer() takes a layer as a param
//it turns off the solo switch and makes the layer visible
//returns nothing

function activateLayer( l )
   l.enabled = true;
   l.solo = false;

app.endUndoGroup();//End the undo group

}//Scope Limiting Brace
//The End
