AE3D EXPORT - AE scene to Maya, Max, and Lightwave

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Moderator: Paul Tuersley

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How can I obtain the script to use in After Effects? When I click on the link, it a new window pops up with a page full of code? Please help
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How can i download he script file (AE3D EXPORT)? The link does not work.
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That code you are getting is the script you want. Save the code as a .jsx file, or just Right Click the link > Save As...
avi + m2t -> Vdub + DGIndex -> AE CS3 -> x264 -> Hell On Earth :mrgreen:
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an issue cropped where it was working, and then not. Now when I select a layer, then click export in the script dialogue, it keeps telling me to "please select the layers you want to export"? I have the same layer selected I've been using, and now this error is all I get.

Any suggestions?

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i keep getting the adobe java script toolkit each time i click browse on the AE exporter script. SOMEONE HELP PLEASE
:cry: :(
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Hello. I downloaded AE3D EXPORT, but on one computer I hit "Browse" and I can change my directory. On another computer if I hit "Browse" nothing happens and I can't change the directory. Any idea why I can't change the directory on the one Windows 7 64-bit computer? It's frustrating since this is my main computer and I'd like to change the directory...
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harvey1 wrote:Hello. I downloaded AE3D EXPORT, but on one computer I hit "Browse" and I can change my directory. On another computer if I hit "Browse" nothing happens and I can't change the directory. Any idea why I can't change the directory on the one Windows 7 64-bit computer? It's frustrating since this is my main computer and I'd like to change the directory...
It looks like it's been a victim of Adobe depreciating the old File dialog functions. I've updated the script with the new function (was a one-line change!)
It should work OK now -download this version
(11.41 KiB) Downloaded 9291 times
Dan Sollis
Digital Distortion : Post Production Services for Film and Television
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Actually, I might have spoken to soon. It doesn't seem to want to save to my HD.
It looks like Adobe have totally changed the way file i/o is handled in CS5 and above. This might take a while to update. Don't hold your breath!

Or if you want to give it a go yourself, the relevant info about the new file handling is in the CS5 Javascript Tools guide
Dan Sollis
Digital Distortion : Post Production Services for Film and Television
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Hi!! i´ve used this script before with 3d max 2009, now i´m using 3dmax 2012 and the seems like the scales and axis are upside down.. its only my problem? a´m i doing something wrong?


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Hey everyone,

I wanted to bump this to find out if any updates have come out for the exporter. I'm going from CS5 to 2013 (which I would hope is similar enough to 2012 for a generic fix) and am having the same issues with the camera rotation being off.

I've played with the code a bit would be able to fix individual aspects of it, but then another would mess up, e.g. by adding 90 degrees to the x rotation in the code, it effectively nullified my z rotation.

I'm hoping someone out there has made progress on this because it's an awesome tool to have.

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When exporting to 3DS Max I get this error in Max;
-- Cannot assign to read-only variable: camera
3DS Max 2012 Student Version
After Effects CS5
Exporting A Camera and a Null Object

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Hello All,

Can someone help me with adding a new camera model to this exporter? Blender has a new render engine that supports Sensor size, like After Effects. But I am unsure how to modify this existing export javascript to generate the correct hFOV?

There is a function called getFLenOrFOVorZFacFromZoom(comp, zoomVal). I assume this is where the new camera FOV is calculated. Can anyone help with the math?

There appear to be some "magic numbers" for Maya and Max, how were these derived? What information do I need to know about Blender's camera to include in the calculation?

Thanks for your time 8)
"Up And Atom


Up And At Them!"
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Has anyone gotten this to work with After Effects CC in Windows? It opens, everything looks fine, it looks like it's doing something when I hit export, but no file gets produced.
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I don't know if anyone still looks up this thread, but a few notes:

In later AE versions - the file is saved automatically to the desktop (BROWSE does not work, but the file gets created).

When using maya 2015 (probably valid to 2014 as well) - file gets a read error and does not open well.
workaround - open the file in Maya 2013 or earlier, save it from there - and then reopen it in Maya 2015

Just wanted to thank again 'urbanspaceman' for creating this script.
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Thought I'd share this version which I modified to support Maya 2015
(11.63 KiB) Downloaded 5859 times
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