1st Script: add camera + nulls + parenting

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Moderator: Paul Tuersley

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Joined: March 25th, 2008, 12:53 pm

So I am writing my first Script and I have only been able to figure out Step 1.
Steps include:

1. Create Camera and 3D Nulls

Code: Select all

var newCamera = activeItem.layers.addCamera("Camera 1",[360.0,270.0]);

newCamera.property("position").setValue([ 360, 270, -900]);
newCamera.property("anchorPoint").setValue([ 360, 270, 0]); 

for (var b = 1; b <= 5; ++b){

var curLayer = activeItem.layer(b);

var firstComp = app.project.activeItem; 
var my3DNull = firstComp.layers.addNull(10);
my3DNull.threeDLayer = true;
2. Select All :: don't know if I need this step?

3. Parented stack starting with the camera.
Ending up with this:

Thanks for any help.
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Hey head,

Take a look at my LayerChain script for an example of doing what you are asking..


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