AE3D EXPORT - AE scene to Maya, Max, and Lightwave

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Tank you very much, this script is really usefull, by the way it´s working very well on maya 2016
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Hey everyone. Please help me! I downloaded latest script but it doesn't ceate any file on my desktop. I'm using AE CS6 on windows 8.1 and want to export to 3ds max but it don't working no matter what I check, it simply doing something and display done. Is anyone had same problem? Thanks for any help.
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If anyone is interested I'll be posting my own script soon that allows you to import a camera and points from 3DS Max or Maya into AE. I used to use this script from Urbanspaceman but unfortunately I've found it to be a bit buggy and far more often than not I have to go the other way around (Max to AE). I've had the Max version working for over a year now (never got around to sharing it...) and I'm just mid porting it over to Maya.

Sorry for the tease, stay tuned! If anyone really needs it I can throw the Max version up now - it works perfectly. I have no intention of ever charging for these scripts.

- Spencer
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mishagogo wrote:Thought I'd share this version which I modified to support Maya 2015

Hi,,you ve been very helpful,,i ve been using your script from AE to maya,, with  maya 2014  I have no problems at all. but since i upgrade AEcc and maya 2015 when importing a video to maya, there is a problem creating a shadow plane(use background), "mental ray abort"
It works fine importing image but not importing video
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hello how are you !!
thank you for this tlink
but i have a problem !!
its give me alert " allow scripts to write filre and access network" after effect cc 2017
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hello how are you !!
thank you for this tlink
but i have a problem !!
its give me alert " allow scripts to write filre and access network" after effect cc 2017
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This month (January of 2019) Google has released a beta for their Google Earth Studio software. It animates Google Earth much like AE does. The great thing is that it even creates AE camera tracking data. So I would expect a lot of people, like me, finding their way to this site looking for your nice plugin.

I'm running into a problem however. I used your script to export the camera tracking data just fine (apparently) but then in 3ds Max I open a new file and try to run the generated script it tells me "-- Cannot assign to read-only variable: camera". For reference, I'm following the tutorial here --> ... -cms-27249

Does anyone have any suggestions on what could be going wrong?
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I tested the script today (April 3, 2019) and it works great with Maya and LightWave. However in response to CrewmaninRed, there are some notable problems with using this in conjunction with Google Earth Studio.

Google Earth Studio outputs "real world" scale, so the units used in the export are in the thousands of kilometer range, and most 3D programs have problems with scene scales operating at that level.

The camera path in LightWave shows major "stair-stepping" and the results are unusable for matchmoving.

The camera path in Maya shows the same stair-stepping but for some reason, the motion of the camera in Maya seems smoother (even though the same values are being used).

I tried using a different script to export the AE 3D camera to Blender and got the same results. Jagged stair-stepping motion paths.

From what I can gather, the Google Earth scene scale is so large that when the scenes are brought into most 3D apps, they end up rounding the last 2 or 3 digits, which at this scale, means that you're rounding meters, not millimeters or even centimeters. And that means the camera is jumping all over the place, which again makes the track useless.

So in terms of this script, it's doing its job perfectly (although I will note that tracking markers didn't have their proper locations in the Maya file but they were there in the LightWave file). However if you're hoping to use this script to help comp 3D objects into your Google Earth Studio scenes, you may need to look elsewhere.
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Have you managed to get it working with the export from Google Earth Studio yet?

A year later and I'm trying the same workflow as you, by exporting it from Google Earth Studio to After Effects and then from AE to 3ds Max using this script. But I also get the error "-- Cannot assign to read-only variable: camera".

Google Earth Studio now has the option on the render advanced settings to export the camera using local coordinates centred on an assigned tracking node. I was hoping this will have fixed this issue but I still get the error.

I've also tried setting up my 3ds Max file's system units in different scales such as kilometres, meters, cm's, etc but that doesn't have an affect.

I've run out of ideas what the problem is now...

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Ok, following on from my previous post I've worked out what the problem is now. In After Effects just rename the layer called 'camera' to anything you want. 'Cam' for example.

The problem is that 'camera' is a reserved key word in MaxScript

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