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ScriptUI DropDownList and onChange

Posted: August 22nd, 2008, 12:12 pm
by lloydalvarez
Anybody have any luck with getting a DropDownList to work with onChange?

What I am trying to do is avoid a "Do it" button. I want to simply have the function trigger when the drop down list is changed..

Like this:

pal.grp.OQ.List.selection.onChange = function () {

but it doesn't seem to work.. buttons and checkboxes with onClick seem to work fine..


Re: ScriptUI DropDownList and onChange

Posted: August 23rd, 2008, 9:45 am
by redefinery
lloydalvarez wrote:Anybody have any luck with getting a DropDownList to work with onChange?
pal.grp.OQ.List.selection.onChange = function () {

but it doesn't seem to work.. buttons and checkboxes with onClick seem to work fine..

i already replied to lloyd directly, but if anyone else is curious, the onChange callback is for the dropdownlist object (List), so it needs to be:

Code: Select all

pal.grp.OQ.List.onChange = function () {
					alert("yo, you selected item " + this.selection.index);
i added the this.selection.index to the alert so you can tell which item (beginning with 0, as selection is an array) was selected.


Re: ScriptUI DropDownList and onChange

Posted: August 23rd, 2008, 12:33 pm
by ScottHD
Here is a snippet of my code on how I got it to work for one of my DropDownList scripts:

Code: Select all

				pal.grp = pal.add(res);
                  pal.grp.minimumSize = pal.grp.size;
                  pal.onResizing = pal.onResize = function () {this.layout.resize();} = function () {alert(aeMarketsData.scriptTitle  + "\n" + aeMarketsData.strAbout);}
				pal.grp.DropDownList.onChange = function () {
					if (this.selection != null) {
						for (var g = 0; g < this.items.length; g++)
						this.items[g].group.visible = false; //hide all other groups = true;//show this group
				var item = pal.grp.DropDownList.add('item', 'Akron Real Estate'); = pal.grp.allGroups.akRe; = function () {renderSelectedComp320x240FLV(this.parent.parent, false);} = function () {renderSelectedComp7secFLV(this.parent.parent, false);}
I only show here one of the 17 (!) options in the drop down list array in this script. Of course the DropDownList Array calls back up to a very extensive list of UI Groups in the "var res =" instanceof Panel section above all of this which in itself took a good while to script. Maybe this can give you or someone else another idea. :-)