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Calling and evaluating scripts on a Mac

Posted: November 11th, 2004, 8:20 am
by byronnash
I am trying to set up a script that calls a custom pallete. I want to have a small script that resides in the startup folder and calls another script that actually creates the palette. I want to be able to adjust and update the palette without having to copy the script to all my artists here. I can get the script to call on a PC but it doesn't seem to function on a Mac for some reason.

This is my preload script, it's almost the same thing as Paul's "my_custom_palette.jsx"

var scriptLoc = Folder.current;
var newPath = scriptLoc.absoluteURI + "/Snap5Palette.jsx";
var builderFile = new File(newPath);;

The alert gives the correct path/name on a mac, it just doesn't load the script. I can run the Snap5Palette.jsx script independantly however. Anyone keen on Mac scripting?
