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creating a mobile

Posted: September 22nd, 2008, 5:48 am
by dfleming
Hi All,

Below is a message I had posted on CreativeCow and someone steered me to this group for possible help...Let me preface this message by saying I know just enough about expressions to be dangerous--nothing in depth; but I'm very willing to learn--thanks for any help you can provide.

"I need to create a 3D mobile for a client (yes, remember back to 8th grade science class). The agency made me a working model of the mobile in case I wanted to shoot it green screen. However, I think it would give me more creative control over the environment to simply create and animate it in AE. The actual mobile "nodes" would be simple enough to create and move in 3D space, but how would I make the support structure of the hanging mobile and drive the whole thing? Any suggestions are appreciated..."
