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Need Help: Automatic dailies video builder

Posted: November 3rd, 2008, 6:07 pm
by silence5
Hi all,

In preparation of dailies, every morning I create a QT and a WMV based on renders (image sequences) that were done the night before.
What I'd really like to do is, using Aftereffects scripts, develop something that automates these tedious steps:

1. Launch AE
2. Open an existing comp that already has the date on the lower left corner, and the the frame numbers on the lower right.
3. Import an image sequence into the comp, drop it underneath the two layers above. Effectively, creating the shot I'd like to show, with watermarks at the bottom, ready for critique.
4. Create a job on render queue that has two output modules, one exports a MOV, the other exports a WMV.
5. Save As.
6. Render.

I have no idea how AE scripts work, and could really use a few pointers on how to do this.

My approach is this:

I'll create a GUI for any user to select the location of the image sequence.
The user then clicks a button, and the GUI will launch AE and automatically run the script that does the above 6 steps. Voila, outcomes two videos; ready for dailies.

I know it's doable, but have no idea how to make AE automatically create a new layer based on the images from user selected location.

Those of you who are good at AE scripting, please help!
