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script to change the out point of all layers in all comps

Posted: January 10th, 2005, 6:08 pm
by vitaminman

This script will go through all comps in a project and set the out point of all layers to 8 seconds. If you want to change the value of the out point to something other than 8, simply modify this line:

app.project.item(i).layer(j).outPoint = float value in seconds;

//script to set all layers in all comps to 8 seconds

totalItems = app.project.items.length; //grabs all project items and assigns them to totalItems
var layerCount = 0; // starts a counter to count all the layers in the project
for (i=1; i<= totalItems; i++) //first loop that runs through all the items and checks to see if they're comps
var myItem = app.project.item(i);
if (myItem instanceof(CompItem))
var totalLayers = app.project.item(i).layers.length;
for (j=1; j<=totalLayers; j++)
//second loop to go through each layer in a comp and set the out point to 8 seconds
app.project.item(i).layer(j).outPoint = 8.00;
// increases the layer counter for each pass of the loop

alert("you changed the out point of " +layerCount+ " layers to 8 seconds");

Hope this is helpful to someone!

A big thanks to Dan Ebberts who helped me with a few problems over at the AE forums at

Take care,
