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To simulate dinamic

Posted: January 10th, 2010, 6:54 am
by ezabran
Hi evebody.
I need make a animation with dinamic simulation from a moviment.
I have 2 expressions:

The first, I put the folow expression in rotation of the layer.
effect("Slider Control")("Slider").velocityAtTime(time-0.15)/5
where I did a slider react from position of a null layer.

The second, I put the folow expression in rotation another layer.
amp = .1;
freq = 2.0;
decay = 2.0;

n = 0;
if (numKeys > 0){
n = nearestKey(time).index;
if (key(n).time > time){

if (n == 0){ t = 0;
t = time - key(n).time;

if (n > 0){
v = velocityAtTime(key(n).time - thisComp.frameDuration/10);
value + v*amp*Math.sin(freq*t*2*Math.PI)/Math.exp(decay*t);

Where the keys generate an automatic bounce.

Now I would like exchange keys for movement from null but I could not. I tried several options but none worked?
Here are the project to download: ... namic.html

Does anybody knows how I get that?
Thank you so much.