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Change settings for selected footage items

Posted: March 11th, 2005, 4:30 am
by Guest
Since AE is unable to change settings for more than one footage item at once, a script which allows to set all selected items e.g. to UPPER or LOWER FIELD would be a nice thing...

Posted: March 12th, 2005, 12:33 pm
by Paul Tuersley
Here's a script that sets all selected footage to Lower Field.

Code: Select all

	var proj = app.project;
	// make sure a project exists
	if (proj) {

		app.beginUndoGroup("Set Field Separation");

		// loop through all items selected in project window
		for (var a = 0; a < proj.selection.length; ++a) {
			thisItem = proj.selection[a];	

			// check item is footage and is not a still image
			if (thisItem instanceof FootageItem && !thisItem.mainSource.isStill) {
				// set footage's field separation type.
				thisItem.mainSource.fieldSeparationType = FieldSeparationType.LOWER_FIELD_FIRST;

				// alternate field separation options
				//thisItem.mainSource.fieldSeparationType = FieldSeparationType.UPPER_FIELD_FIRST;
				//thisItem.mainSource.fieldSeparationType = FieldSeparationType.OFF;
Not sure how useful it is though. To do this kind of thing I'd probably just copy a file's Interpret Footage settings (Cmd-Alt-C), then select the rest of the files and apply the settings to them (Cmd-Alt-V).

Paul T