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AFTER EFFECTS ERROR: RAM PREVIEW needs 2 or more frames to p

Posted: September 23rd, 2010, 12:47 am
by iansampaio
Hi guys, that's my first post. I read the announcements and searched about before posting it, so please take easy if I saying something stupid!

Following one of a big list of instructions from creativecow I managed to get rid of error "need 2 or more frames to playback" without restarting AE.

What I did was 3 steps:
  • purge everything;
    preferences>turn multiprocessing ON (ok to close);
    preferences again>turn multiprocessing OFF
I know that is not that simple and I have no knowledge about script, and probably scripts can't access ae preferences panel. but I was wondering if could be possible to add an option to the menu:
"Give after more than 2 frames to playback"

... because such annoying and old error still hasn't being solved by Adobe!

Ian Sampaio
Motion graphics designer at

Re: AFTER EFFECTS ERROR: RAM PREVIEW needs 2 or more frames to p

Posted: September 29th, 2010, 12:48 pm
by byronnash
You can't add menu items to AE, but you can change the prefs via scripting. It would be interesting to find out if changing the prefs through scripting has the same result on that problem as using the GUI.

Re: AFTER EFFECTS ERROR: RAM PREVIEW needs 2 or more frames to p

Posted: September 29th, 2010, 2:34 pm
by lloydalvarez
You can use my Throttle script to Purge and Turn Multiprocessing on and off from a dockable UI palette.


Re: AFTER EFFECTS ERROR: RAM PREVIEW needs 2 or more frames to p

Posted: October 4th, 2010, 11:01 am
by iansampaio
Wow... that's great! Thanks man I'll take a look on it!