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Submit AE to Rush script - example included

Posted: January 25th, 2011, 6:06 am
by Simma
We recently started using Rush for AE renders and it works great. In Nuke it's possible to script so that when you run the script, it starts Rush and loads the current project, and the numbers of frames to render. Could this be done in AE aswell? At the moment I manually have to start the submit program, navigate to the project file and set the number of frames. Below is the Nuke script.

def RushSubmit():
nukescript = nuke.Root().name()
sfrm = nuke.Root().firstFrame()
efrm = nuke.Root().lastFrame()
cmd = ( "perl //Volumes/misc/rushscripts// " +
"-field Frames: %(sfrm)s-%(efrm)s " +
"-field NukeScript: \"%(nukescript)s\" 2>&1 " ) % locals()
if ( os.path.isdir("/var/tmp") ): cmd += "&"

Re: Submit AE to Rush script - example included

Posted: January 25th, 2011, 8:50 am
by Simma
Hm, I ment to be in the "Script Request" forum.

But anyway, do you think this could be done? Looking at it:

def RushSubmit(): // Just the name of the function?
nukescript = nuke.Root().name() // the path of the Nuke script. Should be possible in AE aswell?
sfrm = nuke.Root().firstFrame() // first frame in the composition. Possible in AE.
efrm = nuke.Root().lastFrame() // last frame in composition. Possible in AE.
cmd = ( "perl //Volumes/misc/rushscripts// " + // from here it's just the Rush script that's happening. Should be the same (with new variables)?
"-field Frames: %(sfrm)s-%(efrm)s " +
"-field NukeScript: \"%(nukescript)s\" 2>&1 " ) % locals()
if ( os.path.isdir("/var/tmp") ): cmd += "&"

Re: Submit AE to Rush script - example included

Posted: February 4th, 2011, 4:33 am
by Simma