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Make Editable Text via Script

Posted: April 6th, 2011, 2:25 am
by fabiantheblind
Hi folks,

I'm working on a script that executes a menue command to make editable text from my PSD file.
this is my code so far:

Code: Select all


// here it happens
function main(){
// get the current active composition
var curComp = app.project.activeItem;

// if ther is no comp
	if (!curComp || !(curComp instanceof CompItem))
		// alert and end the script
	    alert("Please select a Composition.");
// start undogroup

    for (var i = 0; i < curComp.selectedLayers.length; i++) 
        var l = curComp.selectedLayers[i];
        var tl = l.source.layers[1];
        tl.selected = true;
        app.executeCommand(app.findMenuCommandId("In editierbaren Text umwandeln"));


    //end undogroup
When i run

Code: Select all

        app.executeCommand(app.findMenuCommandId("In editierbaren Text umwandeln"));
directly in my comp it works. But when i go thru the selectedLayers.source it won't.
When i open the comps the first layer (which is the text layer) is selected but not converted.

Where is my mistake?
Do I have to bring the comp to the front or something like this?
And if so, how do I do that?

Best :fabian