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FootageItem replace() method

Posted: June 23rd, 2012, 11:24 am
by bplicht
Does anyone have a script example using FootageItem replace() method to replace a footage file with another file? As a newbie scripter, I have tried many approaches and keep getting "app.project.item() is undefined" in line 6 when calling the method. The item index is valid and correct
The extendkit javascript console shows the variables project and filepath correctly, however app.project.item(70) shows Result: [object CompItem] ... I expected a footage item, or a file object ?!?
The method shown in the JavaScript reference shows: app.project.item(index).replace(f i l e )

Here's the "simple" test script I'm trying to get to work.

// test replace function
app.beginUndoGroup("Test Replace Footage File");
project=("/C/AE cs5 working/Styles/Basic 1.aep")
var filepath=new File ("/C/_Vidigram3D/Nasa/SpaceProbes/GPN-2000-000482.jpg");


OK... thanks for the help in advance :)

Re: FootageItem replace() method

Posted: June 24th, 2012, 10:54 am
by Dan Ebberts
If "/C/AE cs5 working/Styles/Basic 1.aep" is the project, you have to open it first:

var projFile = new File ("/C/AE cs5 working/Styles/Basic 1.aep");
var myProject =;


Re: FootageItem replace() method

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 4:20 am
by bplicht
Hi Dan,
Thanks for the tip... I redid the short script as follows, but I still get the orange bar in line 9 with the same error message...
app.project.item().replace is undefined ?!?
I'm sure I'm missing something simple, but I can't seem to get this to work.
I've added a screen capture of the extendscript view showing all the variables reporting correctly in the Javascript console, but the script won't work.
ExtendScript view 2.png
ExtendScript view 2.png (86.36 KiB) Viewed 52997 times

Re: FootageItem replace() method

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 6:22 am
by Dan Ebberts
I just tried it (with different paths of course) and it works for me. You'll get that error though, if item 70 isn't a Footage Item.


Re: FootageItem replace() method

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 11:25 am
by bplicht
Thanks Dan... the only answer must be that the index is wrong (it shows as a Comp item, not a footage item in the javascript console....
Result: [object CompItem]
Do you have an easy way to get the index for footage items in the project panel?

I know you worked with Jeff on his "rd_GimmePropPath()" script... can it be modified to give the index for footage items? That would be a great functional improvement for the script.

Again... much thanks for your help and feedback.

Re: FootageItem replace() method

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 11:35 am
by Dan Ebberts
Unless you have a really good reason for referencing it by number, I wouldn't do it that way. If you can look it up by name, that seems like it would less subject to getting messed up if you add anything to the project. Just go through the project bin looking for a FootageItem with the correct name. Or do you not know the name?


Re: FootageItem replace() method

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 11:59 am
by bplicht
Hey Dan....
I wrote a small script to iterate through the app.project.item collection checking for the I was looking for... got the correct index number... changed the index in the script, and viola !

Now I have to write a data entry inquiry for the name of a footage item, and using a variable run the script to find any footage item's index... shouldn't take me more than a month :) Just kidding.

Thanks again for the help.. if you come up with a way to redo the gimme proper path script so it can give the index of a selected footage item, let me know. It would take me too long to figure out the script and what to change (it might be a good learning experience though, so maybe when I have more time)... for you it's probably too easy :lol:

Really.... thanks again.

Re: FootageItem replace() method

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 12:12 pm
by Dan Ebberts
This should give you the item numbers of any selected items.

Code: Select all

  for (var i = 1; i <= app.project.numItems; i++){
    if (app.project.item(i).selected){
      alert("Item " + i + " is selected.");


Re: FootageItem replace() method

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 12:42 pm
by dfred
Maybe a dumb question, but my Javascript Console does not print out all variable results as it shows in your screenshot. It only prints "Result: undefined" after every script I run. It only prints something else when I explicitly use "$.writeln". Am I missing something? (I'm on a Mac.)

Re: FootageItem replace() method

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 12:51 pm
by bplicht
Hi Dan...
OK... I wrote a script to loop through app.project.numItems and check if the item was selected.
If true, give me the index of the item.
So... easy enough... select a footage item, run script, and get the correct index number, then make the replacement.

Once again... many thanks. Without knowing it worked for you, I would not have known it had to be the index value which was causing the problem (maybe I'd figure it out in a year or so, but my walls can't take the strain :)

Re: FootageItem replace() method

Posted: June 25th, 2012, 1:04 pm
by Dan Ebberts
Glad I could help.

I'm still dying to know why you would want to use the item's index rather than its name.
