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Merge Rotation and Orientation - A bit Off topic

Posted: September 12th, 2005, 2:54 am
by salvazalvi

I recently encountered some problems copying rotation values to orientation values. After Effect's help says it handle those parameters differently but doesn't explain how. Any idea ?



Posted: October 13th, 2005, 12:58 pm
by goldomega
The problem is that in 3d, rotation becomes three separate properties that represent the X Y and Z axes, and orientation includes data for all three axes in the one property. So, if you paste a keyframe from rotation Z onto orientation, orientation wants [X,Y,Z] rather than just [Z].

If you have a lot of keyframes to copy/paste, you could link orientation to rotation using an expression, then convert the expression to keyframes and delete the ones you don't need.

[rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ]