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Simplifying a repetitive task

Posted: December 12th, 2006, 10:48 am
by Jaxson
Good Afternoon and thanks in advance for any help you can throw my way.

What I am looking to achieve through scripting or any other method is a way of simplifying a repetitive task. I have 40 documents with 40 layers or so each, so I need to do this same thing around 1600 times...

Copy "Mask Shape" coordinates
Paste those coordinates to the "Write-on" effect brush position

This is assuming I already have created the mask, and have already added the write-on effect.

This would not be so much of a burden except for the factor of dialing down the layer menu, dialing down the mask menu, selecting the mask shape, copying, dialing down the effects menu, dialing down the Write-on menu, selecting the Brush Position and pasting.

What I am hoping to achieve is a way of selecting the layer and activating a script that will run that process.

Can something of this nature be done through scripting? Is there a better or more straightforward way I am not aware of? Even a way of dialing open all submenus of a layer simultaneously would be appreciated.

Thanks much!

Posted: December 14th, 2006, 8:11 pm
by nab
Hi Jaxson,

you can't really "copy/paste" with scripting, instead you create a new object with the same properties/characteristics and assign it to the former one.. something like that.

regarding the situation you described, if the masks are straight lines, it should be easy to find the appropriate brush position keyframes (ie vertices coordinates), but in case of more complex masks, with bezier curves, the script must determine the whole "description" of the shape, and this is much more complicated.

Still possible..I've done something like this in the past, but in your case I would recommend to have a look at the Stroke effect if it's convenient for what you are doing. Apply the effect to a layer, adjust properties, animate the "end" parameter from 0 to 100, copy it or save it as a preset (.ffx) and then apply it to every layer you want.

some ideas to get started ... :)