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maya camera import to after fx7

Posted: December 15th, 2006, 11:20 am
by mmatias
I´m working on a movie that as 3d composed with 2d, its in anamorphic 2:1 format and i wanted to have the cameras from maya in after effects so that i can compose them later and add some effects to it, I have exported a camera (*.ma file) from maya to after effects, i have made locaters in the objects position and renamed to null_objects## so that after effects can recognize the locators as reference for the objects, so far so good, But when I import the camera to after effects I only have one locator, the first i've created in maya and the pivot point is in the upper left corner of the null object, I read that i should center the pivot point in the middle of the null object , so I did but the scale of the null objects is weird, is giant compared to the maya scene and its not perfect. I've searched the net but I haven´t found a solution that worked well, If any one could help me out...

Thaks in advance!

Maya Camera in AE

Posted: December 19th, 2006, 1:56 pm
by scribling
This may help a bit. I have to do this stuff all the time.
If the null is huge it's probably because the scene came in tiny.
Create a null and make it a 3d layer;
Parent the camera and all locaters to the null;
Scale the null by something like 2000.

I also like to have the camera start at it's default position so before I parent the camera and stuff I copy the camera's position and rotation to the null. After they're parented I reset the position and rotation so the camera isn't all whacked out.

You may also want to use an image to replace the locators so that you can see it. Oh, one more thing locators come in at 0 trans, so you'll want to reset that.

One more thing

Posted: December 19th, 2006, 2:08 pm
by scribling
Then delete the parent null.

If you want to make any other adjustments to the camera parent all the locators/nulls to it before you do anything.

Posted: December 20th, 2006, 4:32 am
by mmatias
Thank you "scribling" for the reply.
I've been trying a lot of ways so that the camera gets right in AE, but I haven't tried that yet :)