Layer Repeater Script

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Moderator: Paul Tuersley

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Posts: 20
Joined: January 17th, 2007, 3:02 pm

This is a script that is the equivalent of the repeater animation effect that is found for shape layers.
This seems like something that may exist already, but I have not been able to find it.

To use this, select the layer that you want to repeat, and run the script. It will ask you how many duplicate copies you want to work with. It will precomp that many duplicates of your layer, and give you slider controls in your main composition.

Play around, and let me know anything good or bad about it.

Here are descriptions of the controls

Number Visible
Number of visible layers (Maximum is the amount entered when the script is run)
Number Offset
Offset of visible layers
Position X Base
The starting X position for the precomp
Position Offset X
The offset in X for the position of each of the duplicate layers
Position Y Base
The starting Y position for the precomp
Position Offset Y
The offset in Y for the position of each of the duplicate layers
Rotation Base
The starting rotation for the precomp
Rotation Offset
The offset for the rotation of each of the duplicate layers
Scale Base
The starting scale for the precomp
Scale Offset
The offset for the scale of each of the duplicate layers
Opacity Begin-End
If checked, opacity will be derived from the Opacity Begin and Opacity End Sliders
If unchecked, opacity will be derived from Opacity Base and Opacity Offset
Opacity Begin
The starting opacity of all the duplicate layers. This will start at your original layer that you ran the script on. (Only active if Opacity Begin-End is checked)
Opacity End
The ending opacity of all the duplicate layers. (Only active if Opacity Begin-End is checked)
Opacity Base
The starting opacity for the precomp (Only active if Opacity Begin-End is unchecked)
Opacity Offset
The offset for the opacity of each of the duplicate layers (Only active if Opacity Begin-End is unchecked)

Some bugs at the moment are

There can only be 1 layer selected
After the script is run, the new layer CAN NOT be put into a precomp
There CAN NOT be another composition named the same as the one the script gets run on
If the layer that the script is run on is a precomp, the layer MUST have a name, not the default one that is given when a layer is precomped

To do:
add anchor point control to repeater layer
add scale independence of x and y

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