Font family for Text Layer

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Moderator: Paul Tuersley

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I want to change the font family and font size of the source Text in the Text layer.

Can anyone tell me how to do it?

Paul Tuersley
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There are ways of changing the font size, either with a text animator or
setting the layer's scale. But currently there isn't any way for scripting to
change the font family.

Paul T

Keiko suggested:
You may be able to change default font which is defined in pref file under
"Text Style Sheet" section

["Text Style Sheet"]
"Auto Kerning Type" = "Metric Auto Kerning"
"Auto Leading" = 01
"Baseline Direction" = "Normal"
"Baseline Option" = "Normal"
"Baseline Shift" = "0.000000"
"Caps Option" = "Normal"
"Fill Blue" = "0.921569"
"Fill Green" = "0.921569"
"Fill Red" = "0.921569"
"Font Family Name" = "Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro"
"Font PostScript Name" = "HiraKakuPro-W3"
"Font Script" = "1"
"Font Style Name" = "W3"

I did not try, but I think you have to set all of them.

Hope it helps some!

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Thanks Paul,

Setting the scale of the Text Layer surely helps. But I also need a way to change the fond Style to Bold, but that is not possible.

Also, Thanks Keiko for your suggestion. But this is not the option for me, as I am dynamically creating the project on every command.

Thank you guys.
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Hello Paul and payal

I am very interested in this problem and even more in the solution for the project I'm currently working on.

Have you by any chance found a workable solution (I also want to be able to change the font properties dynamically per project) or is there perhaps some enhancements in the newly released AE 7?

I hope that there has been some change and that one of you (or someone else, dont be shy :D ) can point me in the right direction.

Thank you in advance.
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lkoudal wrote:Hello Paul and payal

I am very interested in this problem and even more in the solution for the project I'm currently working on.

Have you by any chance found a workable solution (I also want to be able to change the font properties dynamically per project) or is there perhaps some enhancements in the newly released AE 7?

I hope that there has been some change and that one of you (or someone else, dont be shy :D ) can point me in the right direction.

Thank you in advance.
Nope, no changes in AE 7 in this respect. It still doesn't support any method of adjusting font face etc. directly.

[Pour Mylène, ange sur terre]
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Wow... like the development team really listened to us ;)
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davestewart wrote:Wow... like the development team really listened to us ;)
They do, but you have to give them credit to the fact that they have the task of prioritizing feature requests over others which can mean that a function that you need in your workflow ends up far down the list. Anything related to expressions and scripting seems to fall into that category... Add to that that they might be on permanent "backlog" (features that should be in a new release have been delayed and pushed to a later release), and you pretty much have it. Anyway, this text stuff is pretty complex. If you wanted to have all of the functionality of the text palette you'd end up with something like 50 reserved keywords/ functions/ methods just for that and there's no end to it. Where do you e.g stop for font decoration? Is strikethru and underline enough or do you need caps, small caps, dashed and whatnot... Really not easy when you are the one having to make such decisions, so I don't envy the Adobe dev team.

[Pour Mylène, ange sur terre]
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Strangly though, I can't really find any features that have really changed from 6.5 to 7 as far as scripting goes. Naturally, they've added the ExtendScript Editor which is a HUGE improvement for doing debugging, but as far as the language itself, the features seem relativly unchanged.

I'm hoping that 7.5 or something opens everything as wide open as possible. Classes for output modules, text layers, and other settings-based areas would be a HUGE help.
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I also need the ability to script text formatting. have 800+ question screens for an interactive DVD which all need bold removed from the text.

Sorry I have no solution; just helping with the show of hands....

- Chris
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Soviut wrote:Strangly though, I can't really find any features that have really changed from 6.5 to 7 as far as scripting goes. Naturally, they've added the ExtendScript Editor which is a HUGE improvement for doing debugging, but as far as the language itself, the features seem relativly unchanged.
There were lots of additions (being able to call animation presets for example), as well as a few changes due to the new UI: ... compat.php

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