Using confirm() dialog box

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Moderator: Paul Tuersley

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Posts: 35
Joined: June 16th, 2009, 1:07 pm
Location: Santa Clarita, CA

I am having difficulty finding documentation for the confirm dialog box. I have a script that asks the user to select a CSV file and want the option to cancel. I would like cancel to cancel the script. Here is what I have so far:

Code: Select all


function main() {
	app.beginUndoGroup("Apply CSV to Text Layers");
	//Alert user to select a CSV file_____________________________________________________________________________________
	var gotData = false;

	while (!gotData) {
		var csv = confirm("Please select a CSV file.");
		var selectFile = fileGetDialog("Please select a CSV file.", "");
		var encoded_data = '';
		if (csv == true) {
			if(selectFile == null) { //Error detection
				alert("No CSV file selected. ");
			else {
				var readData ="r","TEXT", "????");
				if(readData) {
					var encoded_data =;
				else { //Error detection
					alert("Problems reading csv file");
			gotData = true;
	else {

	} //end get CSV file
Currently, when the confirm dialog box pops up it has buttons for "yes" and "no" which I would like to change to "cancel" and "choose." Also, no matter whether I select yes or no it does the same thing (asks the user to select a CSV file).
Paul Tuersley
Posts: 704
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I think you're stuck with Yes/No if you're using the confirm() function.

Maybe you don't really need it as you can just see if the user cancels the fileGetDialog. Actually, using File.openDialog() is preferable as it's newer / better supported.

And your script is putting up the file dialog regardless of the result of the confirm (csv) because you aren't checking the result (csv == true) until after you call fileGetDialog().
Posts: 35
Joined: June 16th, 2009, 1:07 pm
Location: Santa Clarita, CA

Thank you Paul. I'll check out that option.
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