[Solved] How do I convert RGB to value range 0.0-1.0?

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Moderator: Paul Tuersley

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Posts: 35
Joined: June 16th, 2009, 1:07 pm
Location: Santa Clarita, CA

I can't seem to find reference for converting RGB values to the value range that javascript needs [0.0-1.0].

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Last edited by sbaden on December 29th, 2009, 4:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Paul Tuersley
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If the values are 8 bit 0-255 you would just divide each rgb value by 255.
Posts: 35
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Thank you Paul :D

Do you have a reference for converting Hex to RGB?
Paul Tuersley
Posts: 704
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You can use parsetInt(yourHexString, 16) to convert from hex to decimal.
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LMAO! :D Well, I guess that would be a much simpler, more direct way of getting HEX to decimal instead of converting HEX to RGB and then converting RGB to decimal.

I will go try this out...

Thank you
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Okay, I'm a little confused still...

How would the parseInt() work in this scenario?

Code: Select all

//Convert HEX to RGB_______________________________________________________________________________________________

		function GiveDec(Hex)
			if(Hex == "A")
				Value = 10;
			if(Hex == "B")
				Value = 11;
			if(Hex == "C")
				Value = 12;
			if(Hex == "D")
				Value = 13;
			if(Hex == "E")
				Value = 14;
			if(Hex == "F")
				Value = 15;
				Value = eval(Hex);

			return Value;

 		function HexToDec()

			lastNameColor = lastNameColor.toUpperCase(); //change all lowercase letters to uppercase

			var a = GiveDec(lastNameColor.substring(0, 1));
			var b = GiveDec(lastNameColor.substring(1, 2));
			var c = GiveDec(lastNameColor.substring(2, 3));
			var d = GiveDec(lastNameColor.substring(3, 4));
			var e = GiveDec(lastNameColor.substring(4, 5));
			var f = GiveDec(lastNameColor.substring(5, 6));

			redValue = (a * 16) + b;
			greenValue = (c * 16) + d;
			blueValue = (e * 16) + f;
		   //convert RGB values to decimal values
			var redDecimal = (redValue/2.55)/100;
			var greenDecimal = (greenValue/2.55)/100;
			var blueDecimal = (blueValue/2.55)/100;


              //Set color for last name (Animator on text layer: Fill Color)
		var colorLastName= lastNameLayer.property("Text").property("Animators").property("Animator 1").property("Properties").property("Fill Color");
		colorLastName.setValue([redDecimal, greenDecimal, blueDecimal, 1]);

Dan Ebberts
Posts: 320
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I think all you need is something like this:

redSubstr = lastNameColor.substr(0,2);
greenSubstr = lastNameColor.substr(2,2);
blueSubstr = lastNameColor.substr(4,2);

redDecimal = parseInt(redSubstr,16)/255;
greenDecimal = parseInt(greenSubstr,16)/255;
blueDecimal = parseInt(blueSubstr,16)/255;

Posts: 35
Joined: June 16th, 2009, 1:07 pm
Location: Santa Clarita, CA

Thanks Dan,

Brilliant! It works great!

That is so much less code than I had.
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