renderQueueItem.onStatusChanged only called once

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I'm trying to write a script that does something after each item in the render queue gets rendered. I'm setting the onStatusChanged callback, but it only seems to be calling my function immediately after I set the callback, so that even though the status has not changed, the function gets called. From then on, the function never gets called again, even if I change the status to unqueued immediately after setting onStatusChanged. And it certainly doesn't get called when the status goes from queued to rendering or from rendering to done. Am I doing something wrong (I'm new to AE scripting)? Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm on CS4 on a Mac 10.6.3. Code is below. Thank you.

- David

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function traverseRenderQueue()
	var myProject = app.project;
	var myRQ = myProject.renderQueue;
	var i = 1;

	for (i = 1; i<=myRQ.numItems;i++)
		var currentItem = myRQ.item(i);
		if (currentItem.status == RQItemStatus.QUEUED)
	alert("All Done");

function statusChange(index)
	var currentItem = app.project.renderQueue.item(index);
	alert("Status for "" changed to: "+currentItem.status); //Only called immediately after setting onStatusChanged
	if (currentItem.status == RQItemStatus.DONE)
		alert("I got here"); //Never called			
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Joined: May 28th, 2010, 2:55 pm

Never mind. Got it working! If anybody else struggles with this, the issue was that the callback function can't have an argument, so the line:

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should have read:

Code: Select all

And instead of defining the function:

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function statusChange(index)
It should be:

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function statusChange()
You can use the "this" keyword to get the current RenderQueueItem, which is what I was trying to do all along by having the argument in the function call (although I couldn't figure out how to get the item index if I only knew the RenderQueueItem, but I was able to work around that). Maybe this is obvious for long-time javascript-ers (which I'm not), but it would have been nice if there was something in the documentation about that.

Anyway, this is a great site; looking at the archives has been a fantastic resource for delving into AE scripting.

- David
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If you want to pass an argument to your function you can do it like this:

Code: Select all

currentItem.onStatusChanged= function () 
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