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Text size and animation properties

Posted: December 4th, 2004, 1:10 pm
by Shinjipierre
I'm scripting a Sub Station Alpha (subtitle script) -> after effects script, but I've got 2 main problems...

Problem 1

I don't know how I can change the size/color/font.

I've looked through the forum and found some things which didn't seem to work ^^.

Copying one of Impudent's script I came to that script. (a simple one ^^)

Code: Select all

	app.preferences.savePrefAsLong("Text Style Sheet", "Size", 15);
	app.preferences.savePrefAsLong("Text Style Sheet", "Size", 35);
It doesn't seem to work, the size doesn't change when I execute the script.

Problem 2

I don't know how I can add an animation property.
I've aleady added a selector but I didn't manage to add the property.
The scripting guide doesn't explain anything about that...

By the way, if anyone could help me on these things.


Posted: December 6th, 2004, 3:20 am
by Disciple
Pierre, about your second problem, do you mean adding keyframes for a specific property?
If so, check out my tutorial called "Add Slider/Expression to a comp"

If that is not what you mean, could you clarify?


Posted: December 6th, 2004, 4:38 am
by Shinjipierre
Here are two screenshots of what I want to add. ... le%201.gif ... le%202.gif

The keys are already added with my script. (yeah, that's a karaoke effect ;)

Posted: January 4th, 2005, 7:53 pm
by Paul Tuersley
Problem 1 - how to change the text size/color/font.
I've tried this save pref thing and you're right, it doesn't seem to work. It does save the new Text Size value into the prefs, but it ignores this when creating a text layer and then overwrites it with the old value if you quit the app. Unfortunately not all prefs appear to play nicely with scripting, I'll send in a feature request.

Problem 2 - how to add a text animation property.
I can be a bit more help here. I've written this script which will create a report showing all the different types of properties on a selected layer (except the main transform properties which are handled differently), it's a great help when trying to figure this stuff out. ...

And here's a little script that creates a new comp with a text layer, adds an Animator and then adds a Position property to it.

Code: Select all

	// create project if necessary
	var proj = app.project;
	proj = app.newProject();
	var myItemCollection = app.project.items;
	var myComp = myItemCollection.addComp('Text Comp', 320, 240, 1, 10, 25);

	myText = myComp.layers.addText("Test");
	theAnimators ="ADBE Text Properties").property("ADBE Text Animators");
	myAnimator = theAnimators.addProperty("ADBE Text Animator");
	myPosition ="ADBE Text Animator Properties").addProperty("ADBE Text Position");