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Request for an After Effects script to time stretch a layer

Posted: March 3rd, 2009, 9:39 pm
by ashithraj
I am working on an automation script which involves time stretching a layer. Sure, I can use the "stretch" attribute to stretch the layer concerned. But, the requirement says the script has to time stretch with the Hold By option set to "Current frame" where my current frame will be set to the 0th frame of the composition.
If I do this via the After Effects UI I am getting the right results. but when I do it from the script, the time stretch always happens from the inpoint of the layer. Can someone provide some help real quick? I need to finish this project in two days and get it into production.

Re: Request for an After Effects script to time stretch a layer

Posted: March 4th, 2009, 4:15 am
by Yenaphe
well the idea would be to add a marker where you want your stretch effect to start, for each layer.

Then in the script, for each layer, you tell it to go the first marker of your layer then use it's current time as the starting time of your stretch. That might do the trick.

Re: Request for an After Effects script to time stretch a layer

Posted: March 5th, 2009, 7:43 am
by ashithraj
Thanks for the quick reply. I hit a new road block today. I found out that time stretch actually happens from the start time of the layer and not the inpoint. Can you give me a code snippet which makes the stretch to be done from the marker value rather than the layer start time. I appreciate your help very much.