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Tint filter - Setting parameters

Posted: May 6th, 2009, 9:18 pm
by vfxman
Having trouble getting the "Map White To" parameter of the Tint filter to setValue correctly.

My line of code is like this:

Code: Select all

myComp.layer(10).Effects.addProperty("Tint");     //add filter
myComp.layer(10).property("Effects").property(1).property("Map White To").setValue([147.0, 186.0, 210.0]);     //set value
After running the script the color value ends up being set to:
R = 37,485
G = 47,430
B = 53,550

My project is set to 8 bit. I've ran multiple variations and I'm stumped at the moment. Any thoughts?

Re: Tint filter - Setting parameters

Posted: May 6th, 2009, 10:21 pm
by zold
Hi David.
Two things.
First (too bad an error does not arise to clue you in), the color value for this type of parameter is 4 dimensions, not 3. RGB and Alpha.
Second, the value of each dimension is from 0 to 1. (1=255).
So, your code really should be this (assuming you want R=147, etc.):

Code: Select all

//feel free to round these values; i asked AE for them
myComp.layer(10).property("Effects").property(1).property("Map White To").setValue([0.57647061347961, 0.7294117808342, 0.82352942228317, 1]);

Do this instead, because you want to be able to reference exactly the tint you want (in case there are multiple tints applied; this is generally a better way to structure this type of thing:

Code: Select all

newTint = myComp.layer(10).Effects.addProperty("Tint");//add filter, put that instance into a variable"Map White To").setValue([0.57647, 0.7294, 0.8235, 1]);//use that variable so we use the specific instance
Have at it!

Re: Tint filter - Setting parameters

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 2:07 pm
by vfxman
Thanks, that did it. I was use to setting values for solids and stuff and only needed the three RGB 0-255 value.