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Exporting Sequences to layered PSD files

Posted: August 10th, 2009, 3:37 am
by burg
Hi All,

I'm desparately looking for a script which will take a selection of multiple sequences and put them into their own Comps with each frame as a layer and then export the first frame as a layered PSD(like Composition>Save Frame As > Photoshop Layers) file. Is there something already out there for this? I've got a lot of passes i'll have to do this for (Thanks to Lloyd Alvarez for the awesome Immigration tool for allowing me to import them rapidly!), and it's going to take an age to sort this out manually.

Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated.



Re: Exporting Sequences to layered PSD files

Posted: August 10th, 2009, 11:27 am
by Yenaphe
I wanna make sure i understand correctly.

For each image sequence you import, you want them to be converted as a comp, and iside the comp you want every single frame of the sequence as a different layer, every one of them sequenced at the 1st frame so you can export 1 psd file containing every frames of each comps ?

If so, if your sequences indivudally are inside different folders:

1) Drag the folder from your finder/explorer to the AE project pannel. The folder should import with all the files in it.
2) Select all your files and go to New Comp. From selection.
3) Select One composition and uncheck sequence layers

then you just have to export the first frame.

But if it's exactly what you wanna do, their may be a faster way directly inside Photoshop.

Re: Exporting Sequences to layered PSD files

Posted: August 11th, 2009, 8:24 am
by burg
Hi Yenaphe!

First of all thanks for the reply.
For each image sequence you import, you want them to be converted as a comp, and iside the comp you want every single frame of the sequence as a different layer, every one of them sequenced at the 1st frame so you can export 1 psd file containing every frames of each comps ?
Dead on. I and what you're saying is pretty much what I'm doing (PShop is much slower with its Load Files Into Stack Script, than AFX). But I have to do this so many times, that I wondered if anyone had any idea of creating a script for this workflow.