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Dan Ebberts' Pendulum expression

Posted: August 23rd, 2010, 1:36 pm
by lukelucente
I'm having troubles with this Dan Ebberts' Pendulum expression

Apply the following expression to the rotation property of the rectangular solid:

veloc = 7;
amplitude = 80;
decay = .7;


I paste it in the Z rotation of a 3D layer and nothing happens...what am I doing wrong?


pd. sorry my bad english

Re: Dan Ebberts' Pendulum expression

Posted: August 23rd, 2010, 3:42 pm
by Dan Ebberts
Possibly your layer's In Point is not at time = 0;

Try it this way:

veloc = 7;
amplitude = 80;
decay = .7;
t = time-inPoint;
