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AE to Nuke and Nuke to AE transform data

Posted: May 10th, 2011, 2:26 pm
by Simma
Is anyone else here using Nuke as well as After Effects? I do it all the time and I alway find myself wanting to move transform data between the two applications. It would be super cool if we could have a dialog box in After Effects where you could paste Nuke keyframes data and it would convert it to AE data. Also you could paste AE data into it and it would convert it to Nuke data. Or does this already exist? I've looked everywhere and all I have found is a Nuke2AE script that only works on tracker Nodes in Nuke (which can be found here if anyone is intrested:

Example of an animation done in AE. Frame 1-6 in the composition, but 0-5 when I copy/paste it:

Code: Select all

	Units Per Second	25
	Source Width	1920
	Source Height	1080
	Source Pixel Aspect Ratio	1
	Comp Pixel Aspect Ratio	1

Transform	Position
	Frame	X pixels	Y pixels	Z pixels	
	0	960	540	0	
	5	1160	340	0	

Transform	Scale
	Frame	X percent	Y percent	Z percent	
	0	100	100	100	
	5	50	50	50	

Transform	Rotation
	Frame	degrees	
	0	0	
	5	-25	

End of Keyframe Data
And a Nuke example of the same animation. Frame 1-6:

Code: Select all

{curve x1 0 x6 200} {curve x1 0 x6 200}
{curve x1 0 x6 25}
{curve x1 1 x6 0.5}

Re: AE to Nuke and Nuke to AE transform data

Posted: October 3rd, 2011, 12:26 pm
by i4n
I'm currently moving transform data from AE to Nuke and here are some things to consider:

*good idea to 'bake' keyframes (create a keyframe on every frame) - this will preserve your animations, as there's no way (to my knowledge) to preserve curves.
tip: alt/option-click the stopwatch to 'add expression' -then- animation>keyframe assistant>convert expressions to keyframes. This will bake your animation.

*AE's origin (0,0) is screen-lower-left while Nuke's origin is screen-upper-left. You'll need to perform some math operations to convert the data (i.e. yPosition)

*rotation values are inverted - [AE, clockwise - Nuke, counter-clockwise] (value * -1) to fix this issue

This should be enough to get you started. Good luck!