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Problem with timeSpanStart

Posted: September 12th, 2011, 5:26 am
by Simma
I'm trying to set the timeSpanStart in the RQ, but I'm having some problems. If I create five compositions with composition display start frames set to 1, 101, 202, 303, 404 and add them to the render que with the attached script, I get different results. For example, if I say that the first frame to render should be 450 I get the following results: Comp1 = 249, Comp101 = 249, Comp202 = 249, Comp303 = 250, Comp404 = 250. Maybe I'm missing something obvious here, but why am I not getting the same results? Is there a floating number rounding problem?

Code: Select all

var myPalette = buildUI(this);

    if(myPalette != null && myPalette instanceof Window) {;

function buildUI (thisObject) {
    if(thisObject instanceof Panel) {
        var myPalette = thisObject;
        var myPalette = new Window ("palette", "test", undefined, {resizeable:true});

    if(myPalette != null) {
        var res =
        "Group { \
         orientation: 'row', \
         alignment: ['fill', 'fill'], \
         alignChildren: ['left', 'top'], \
         left: Group { \
            orientation: 'column', \
            one: Group { \
               orientation: 'row', \
                alignment: ['left', 'top'], \
                firstFrame: EditText {size: ['100', '25']}, \
                } \
         } \
         right: Group { \
            orientation: 'row', \
            alignment: ['right', 'top'], \
           testButton: Button {text: 'Add composition',}, \
         } \

myPalette.grp = myPalette.add(res);
myPalette.resizing = myPalette.onResize = function () {this.layout.resize()};

myPalette.grp.right.testButton.onClick = function () {
    test (myPalette);

}//if(myPalette != null) {

return myPalette;

} //buildUI

function test (palObject) {    
if(app.project.selection == 0){
    alert("Please select a composition");

var myComp = app.project.activeItem;
var compStart = myComp.displayStartTime; // Composition start frame.

var frame =
var fis = myComp.frameDuration*frame; // frame in seconds.

var lastInRQ = app.project.renderQueue.numItems;

var startSec = fis - compStart;

app.project.renderQueue.item(lastInRQ).timeSpanStart = startSec;

}//function renderFunction (palObject) {

Re: Problem with timeSpanStart

Posted: September 12th, 2011, 5:54 am
by Simma
I found this thread:

By setting the timeSpanStart to: startSec = (fis - 0.005) - compStart seems to fix the problem. Very odd.

Re: Problem with timeSpanStart

Posted: September 16th, 2011, 9:50 am
by lloydalvarez
Please file this bug with Adobe.