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A script to find comps in sub folders and render them

Posted: November 26th, 2011, 10:34 am
by aeRick
I'm not sure this is even possible. I have created a template project using placeholder footage for a series of products. Each product has a unique audio track, a series of unique images, and unique text.

I also have created a file structure where each product lives in it's own folder with it's own footage. The folder structure is identical for each product and looks like this:

>Product 01
>Product 02
>Product 03

The master template's file structure looks like this:
Master Tmp>>Footage
I've created a script that loads replaces the text for each of the products and creates a new composition for each of the products. Each product composition is then turned into a separate ae comp with the with the name of the products. I'm ending up with this:

Master Template
Product 01.aep
Product 02.aep
Product 03.aep

Each Product ##.aep is then copied to the correct Product ## folder, the path to the footage is still relative so all Projects are then ready to render.

I'm not trying to create a script that goes out and finds all of the Product ##.aep files in the Products folder and renders them in sequence. I'm not having any success at all. Maybe the thing to do is work on a script that will add all Product.aep's to the Adobe Media Encoder and render from there.

Any Ideas from anyone?

Rick Gerard

Re: A script to find comps in sub folders and render them

Posted: December 5th, 2011, 12:16 am
by aeRick
I was hoping that someone had some ideas. I'm still fooling with this project.