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Control Separate Dimensions

Posted: September 30th, 2013, 3:50 pm
by ernpchan
What name should be called for the separate X and Y property?

The below works with Property is still unified.

Code: Select all

The below doesn't work when I've separated X and Y.

Code: Select all

layerCollection[idx].property("X Position").setValueAtTime(1,5);

Re: Control Separate Dimensions

Posted: October 1st, 2013, 5:00 pm
by Paul Tuersley
Normally you would access a property by specifying its full property group path, but there's a shortcut for the regular transform properties where you can access them directly from the layer item. This doesn't appear to be the case for the separate dimension versions. So:

Code: Select all"Transform").property("X Position");
or using the non language specific matchnames:

Code: Select all"ADBE Transform Group").property("ADBE Position_0");
This script is invaluable for figuring out these things: ... mePropPath


Re: Control Separate Dimensions

Posted: October 2nd, 2013, 10:54 am
by ernpchan
Thanks Paul!