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Have Script need GUI Window ...

Posted: February 24th, 2008, 12:11 pm
by scribling
How do you turn an old script into a cool GUI window?
We use this script and it would be really cool if we could have it as a GUI window.

Code: Select all

//"Update Project Name Text" script, version 1.6. 
//This script was created by Christopher R. Green on 5-8-2005 
//  (modified 5-15-2005) 
//  using Tex-Edit Plus and jEdit. 
//This script will look for all text layers named "projectname" and "version" (or whatever 
//  the variables below are set to) and set the source text of those layers. 

//If you have questions, you can make a post or 
//  send an email via (After Effects forum) 
//  or (I am 'zold' there) 
//You are free to use this script however you please. 
//If you make changes to it, please tell me (CRG) about it. 

//put inside undo block: 
app.beginUndoGroup("Update Project Name Text"); 
var p=app.project; 
var projTLayersFound=[]; 

var projTextName = "projectname"; 
var slateVersName = "version"; 

//get project name: 
//this assumes a project name of the format <foo_v##_##.???> or <foo_v##_##.????> where ??? and ???? are 3 and 4 character file extensions 
//the first line here strips the extension, the 2nd line strips the extension and the first part of the base name before the underscore 
var projName =, "_").replace(/\.(.{3,4}$)/, ""); 
var versText = (, "_").replace(/\.(.{3,4}$)/, "").replace(/(^.{1,}?)\_/, "")  ); 
var projTLayersFound = 0; 
var versTLayersFound = 0; 

//loop through comps and layers: 
for (i = 1; i <= app.project.numItems; ++i) { //for/next loop goes through all project items 
   var currentComp = p.item(i); 
   if (currentComp instanceof CompItem) { //test if current item is a composition 
      //if it is a comp item, look for the "projectname" text layer 
      //  and look for the "version" text layer 
      var theseLayers=currentComp.layers; 
      for (o = 1; o <= theseLayers.length; ++o) { //this loop goes through all layers 
         var currentLayer = theseLayers[o]; 
         //make sure it's a text layer, and that its name is correct 
         //(ignore if it's not a text layer or it's a text layer with wrong name) 
         if ("sourceText") != null) { 
            if ( == projTextName ) { 
               projTLayersFound = (projTLayersFound + 1); 
              //set its value: 
            } else if ( == slateVersName ) { 
               versTLayersFound = (versTLayersFound + 1); 
              //set its value:        
   }//inner for 
}//if compItem 
}//outer for 

//alert("\n" + "\"" + projTextName + "\" text layers found: " + projTLayersFound + "\n" + "\"" + slateVersName + "\" text layers found: " + versTLayersFound); 

Thanks in advance.

Re: Have Script need GUI Window ...

Posted: February 25th, 2008, 3:40 pm
by lloydalvarez
Which part do you want in the GUI? It seems to be a pretty automated script.

Re: Have Script need GUI Window ...

Posted: February 26th, 2008, 2:39 pm
by scribling
We basically just need a single button. Although, two buttons would be great. One that would increment and save and the other that would update the slate.


Re: Have Script need GUI Window ...

Posted: February 26th, 2008, 2:55 pm
by lloydalvarez
Just use Jeff Almasol's Launch Pad. It basically give you a palette to launch any script you want from a button you can even design yourself! Add one for the Increment and Save script and one for this other script. :D ... id=1242019
