Opening credit titles of "Vacancy"

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Posts: 12
Joined: December 19th, 2006, 12:26 am

I want to make an effect similar to the opening/closing credit title of movie "Vacancy" in which we see TextA through the space between Text B. Now Text B is very big that we could hardly see one or two letters on the screen. After a while, Text A overlaps and rotates in line with Text B which is scaling down to a readable word and replaces Text A. But this time Text C is big, like the Text B was in the beginning (Please see the attached image)

I want this cycle for at least 10 credit titels (say Text A, TextB, Text C and so on). Can I do this with just one camera in my composition?

Sorry if it creates confusion for my language.
Text_B.jpg (10.33 KiB) Viewed 17494 times
Text_A.jpg (12.64 KiB) Viewed 17494 times
Posts: 128
Joined: December 7th, 2007, 10:11 am

If you want it in 3D
check out Andrew Kramer's "Sure Target".
see the tutorial here:


p.s.: Don't miss version 1.5.
Posts: 12
Joined: December 19th, 2006, 12:26 am

Hello kobyg,

Thanks for your response. I will surely check this out but I want this effect in 2D only.
Posts: 128
Joined: December 7th, 2007, 10:11 am

Hi raju,

You can do it also in 2D, using the SureTarget preset.
I've played with it because I liked the idea... :)
I've attached a small animation I've built using that preset, using 5 TEXT layers.

The preset does most of the work, except "getting closer" to the small TEXT.
In order to make the camera "get closer" to the small TEXT layers, I've keyframed the camera's Zoom parameter for each transition (in order to make the transition smoother, I've used "Exponential Scale") .


p.s.: I guess it is possible to add the Zoom change to the preset, so it will also be done automatically...
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Joined: December 19th, 2006, 12:26 am


This works exactly as I wanted it! Thanks a million. You are truely an AE magician. Once again, thanks for your effort and support.
Posts: 128
Joined: December 7th, 2007, 10:11 am

Hi raju,
thank you for the compliments ... :oops:
Just because of that, I wrote the expression that would change the camera zoom automaticaly ... :)

The expression checks the Scale of each text layer, and automatically makes the zoom bigger for smaller text and smaller for bigger text.
This way, if all text layers have the same Font size, and just different Scale, they will all seem the same size on the screen when the animation reaches them.
If you delibaretely want a specific text layer to appear bigger/smaller when the animation reaches it, you can use bigger/smaller font size for it.
(You can still change the camera Zoom value, and the expression will use that to make EVERYTHING bigger/smaller)

Note that the expression does the exponential scale automatically too.

Make sure you link the NUL parameter in the expression to the SureTarget Null.

Check out the attached project file.

I hope that will make your work easier.

p.s.: The Sure Target preset positions each text layer in the middle of the screen when the animation reaches it. If you want to move the position of a layer relatively to the screen center, change the Anchor point of the layer.

Code: Select all

NUL = thisComp.layer("Null 1");
ST = NUL.effect("SureTarget")("Slider");
Min = Math.floor(ST);
Max = Min+1;

function easeExp(t, t1, t2, y1, y2, K) {
	if (y2<y1)
		return (y1-y2)/(1-Math.exp(-K))*( Math.exp( -(t-t1)*K/(t2-t1) ) - 1 ) + y1; // easeIn
		return (y2-y1)/(1-Math.exp(-K))*( Math.exp( (t-t2)*K/(t2-t1) ) - 1 ) + y2; // easeOut

L = NUL.effect("T-"+Min)("Layer"); 
M = NUL.effect("T-"+Max)("Layer");
Amin = NUL.effect("T-"+Min)("Layer").scale[0]; 
Amax = NUL.effect("T-"+Max)("Layer").scale[0]; 

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Posts: 12
Joined: December 19th, 2006, 12:26 am

Hello Koby,

Yeah this works better. Thanks a lot!
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